Saturday, December 5, 2009

Color Theory Project

Right now I'm working on six wood panel paintings for color theory. These are the sketches for what I want to do. Later I'll put up the preliminary paintings and then the final work. I'm also including some pictures of what I hope my printed octopi will look like when cut out.

This one is for the orange set. "Goody. Double Goody"

damn, hes sideways. well this is the blue eel

Liony thing. Hes going to be red "Large-Eye Lion"

Green set. "The Worried Mayor"

Purple."Hey Baby"

Damn. Sideways again. Yellow. "I Read Your Soul"

Here's the Octopi

And heres this guy. Just cuse.


Let's look at something else...

Alright, so not so much on the prints working out, lets look at some of my older stuff.

Drawings? Lets go with drawings.

This is a lion...or dog, it kind of looks like my dog. It's scared, or angry. I don't know. Sharpie and white paper

This is a very sad bear, probably the saddest. Also sharpie and white paper.
I call him the magician. Sharpie and paper

awwww. colored pencil, ink

Giraffe. pencil
When Mr. Whale returned from work, after removing his hat and jacket, he stared into the mirror and was taken aback by how lost and dull his eyes were.

Then he completely crashed.

Stork man. He's trying at least.

Go get um tiger.
Lets try these Octopi again...

there we go! whooo! lets get some more up in here.

 Okay, so far so good


An attempt at compiling my art work

Joel is insisting we start blogging our artwork for others to see, which I agree completely. However, due to my sporatic nature I may not keep up as well as I should, but its worth a shot. For starters, lets go with the prints I've been working on this semester.

This is the print I am the happiest with so far and I'm in the process of recreating a better one. I just love the sad robot. I'm thinking of titling it something like "Defunction" or "Exfunction" or as my roommate suggested "BOOOooooop..." which I feel doesn't quite fit the tone, but he liked it.
Anyways, I work at a factory and after working there for a year I started drawing all these robots. They've kind of died away and have been replaced by octopi, as you can see, he is a dead and dying robot in the trash pit. I cant really come to say what it means exactly. Maybe I feel like less of a robot recently, I think there might be a bit of life left in this ones eyes though. Either way, I wanted to experiment in an etching with more line detail as well as color.

Anyways, other stuff I'm in the process of. This print is my work on just and unjust. It no longer looks like this because I aqua tinted it, however, I it is too dark in places now and I'm trying to scrub it. I'm not sure if I like this print and am currently too frustrated to work on it and I'm not a huge fan of it. so boo.

This one I am much more interested in continuing working on. It also influenced me on my current experiment. I tried working with different colors as well as subtraction with alcohol and dental floss. Hmm...this is a problem. So you dont get to see all octopi pictures yet because they are all coming up crooked. Which makes no sense since they were saved the other direction. This is why I don't blog. See. Its sideways, and I don't know why.

Anyways, I was inspired to make border-less octopi which I am currently cutting out of copper and ruining lots of jeweler's saw blades for. HOORAY! I'll let you know how that goes.

Ps. I find it weird that Blogger doesn't recognize octopi as a word. How strange.