Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Playlist 1?

I'm lame at doing this, as stated many many time. But here is something of interest. Out of the sheer boredom that is my job I have created playlists in my head that Ive decided to now share. The first is simple, yet something that is still creates good music, that is, songs that are about a specific girl. Do enjoy. There may be more if the will power strikes me. That and avoidance of actual work.

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Also heres a collection of the ones with music videos:

Runner Ups: Lolita-Cassino, Laura-Scissor Sisters, Carolina-Girls, Willita- Dear and the Headlights, Opheila-Vince Gill (couldnt find it!), Julia- The Beatles, Michell- The Beatles, Eileen-Dexy and the Midnight Runners, Josey-Hey Monday ( MY NAME! sort of...also couldnt find it on playlist.)

Also, Songs that have two names: Carol Brown- Flight of the Conchords, Chelsey Dagger-The Fratellis, Mona Lee-The Serenades, Mona Lisa- The Fugees, Grace Kelly- Mika, Jane Fonda- Mickey Avalon, Rosa Parks- Outkast,